Summer Camps
Summer Kids Club
Riding everyday -no experience necessary -ages 6 and up
This is our most popular club and is open to girls ages 6-15 and boys ages 6-12, beginners through advanced as each group is additionally divided at riding time into appropriate skill levels. Members arrive between 7am and 9:00am with scheduled activities beginning at 9:00am. A typical day at Urbana Riding Club has members riding in a lesson or trail ride for one hour each day and an additional hour of pony games one time each week. Kids Club members also swim each day and participate in two or three additional activities which change throughout the week, ie. archery, climbing wall, zipline, slip & slide, crafts, field sports, scavenger hunts and many more. Members are encouraged but not forced to participate. We accept 90 participants per session in this program.
Summer Pit Crew
Must be 14, have attended URC and can handle horses
This is a program our older campers suggested and we are very excited to offer. The Pit Crew Program is offered at a discounted rate as these children will be working part of the day. Pit Crew participants must be 14 years old, have attended URC Summer Kids Club in the past, and feel comfortable working around horses. Pit Crew participants arrive between 7am and 9:00am with scheduled activities beginning at 9:00am. A typical day for Pit Crew is a riding lesson or trail ride for one hour each day, swimming, and helping the riding staff in the rings for several hours. This is a program designed for responsible teenagers that are interested in the CIT program in the future. The Pit Crew is limited to 10 participants per session.
Daily Activites
Bus Schedules
Terms & Information
Summer Ultimate Riders Clubs
Ultimate-Must be Must be 8 years old (Junior) 10 years old (Ultimate) and have riding experience.
The Ultimate Riders Club accepts girls who are at least 10 years old by June 1, 2020 and have experience in riding and handling horses. Ultimate Riders must be able to walk, trot and canter as a group and jump at least 18″. Boys are encouraged to join Ultimate Riders but please know that most boys choose the Kids Club program.
Junior Ultimate Riders Club accepts girls who are at least 8 years old by June 1, 2020 and have experience in riding and handling horses. Junior Ultimate Riders must be able to walk and trot as a group. Boys are encouraged to join Junior Ultimate Riders but please know that most boys choose the Kids Club program.
Ultimate Riders arrive between 7am and 9:00am with scheduled activities beginning at 9:00am. A typical day has Ultimate Riders riding in a lesson or trail ride for an hour each morning and an hour each afternoon. This is TWO HOURS OF RIDING EVERYDAY! Ultimate Riders also swim and have crafts but most of their day is spent riding and learning about horses. This program is limited to 16 participants per session in each club. Ultimate riders will be assigned riding rings according to their ability but will spend the rest of their day with their age appropriate group.
CIT (Counselor in Training)
Must be 15, have attended URC, and can handle horses.
We like to think that CITs are potential counselors looking for an opportunity to learn and develop into our future leaders. We recognize CITs have leadership skills, and abilities which help make camp a phenomenal place. CITs have opportunities to teach and learn about activities, to plan and to implement programs, and to develop and use skills vital not only to camp, but to the world outside of camp. CITs learn about, amongst other things: How camp is run on a daily basis How to handle and care for horses What skill set is needed to work with kids (conflict resolution, management, etc.) How to communicate with counselors and activity leaders to improve results of programming How the camp’s different personalities mesh together for a common cause Those are only some of the items you will experience as a CIT at camp. You will find that the camp will blend teaching and experiential learning to give you the best possible chance to grow as a potential counselor and as a leader in and outside of camp. URC accepts teens going into their Sophomore year in high school as CITs. Unlike most camps, URC does not charge tuition for CITs but expects them to be helpful to our paid staff. We reserve the right to ask our CITs not to return if they are not helpful. CIT’s are assigned duties as needed. CIT’s must be 15 years old by June 1, 2020, have attended URC Summer Kids Club in the past, and feel comfortable working around horses. CITs are expected to attend the training sessions and to be at URC from 9:00am to 4:00pm for at least four weeks. CITs at URC will receive a riding lesson each morning and a swim time reserved exclusively for them and the PIT CREW each camp day. The CIT program is limited to 10 participants per session and always fills early.To apply for the CIT program you will need to fill out an employee application which you will need to contact us for.