Business to Business

Kaptivated Kulture
Address: Mobile
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Social Media Management & Training
Content Marketing & Strategy

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Kemp Proteins Logo
Address: 5119 Pegasus Court, Suite L-P,
Frederick, MD
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Kemp Proteins (formerly Kempbio) is a leading provider of gene-to-protein, hybridoma and cell line development services. For more than 20 years, Kemp’s team of protein problem-solvers has delivered best-in-class services that optimize productivity and mitigate risk for life sciences innovators developing protein-based products, including human and veterinary diagnostics, biopharmaceuticals, and vaccines. Kemp Proteins is a Six.02 Bioservices member company.

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Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal
Address: 5726 Industry Lane
Frederick, MD
Business Description / Hours:

Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal is one of the top 10 roofing contractors in the country and strives to maintain a progressive vision for the future. Kalkreuth specializes in complex commercial exterior envelope applications in various markets throughout the country. The company boasts an extensive project portfolio including clients in the automotive, chemical, government, education and healthcare industries. With a wealth of resources and an extensive construction industry network, Kalkreuth has the capabilities to complete any project according to specifications.

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