Lyme Research & Healing Center

Lyme Research & Healing Center
Business Name:
Lyme Research & Healing Center
Business Description / Hours:

I became interested in treating Lyme Disease after my daughter got bitten by a tick. A very small tick. I tested the tick and it came back positive for Bartonella (the source for several diseases in humans). Needless to say I became very worried.

After, I began to notice when friends and their children got Lyme Disease. Many of them found relief from brain fog, fatigue, and joint pain that accompanied antibiotic therapies, by using alternative approaches. It’s what led me to research and develop my own alternative therapies and I’ve had much success.

My work has led me to help people like you identify effective remedies and target hidden infections. These remedies will reduce excess toxicity and inflammation and strengthen the different systems affected by Lyme Disease and co-infections.

Business Website Address:
Business Phone Number:
Business Address:
4539 Metropolitan Court
Frederick, MD
ZIP Code:
  • Lyme Research & Healing Center