Society of St. Vincent de Paul-St John Conference

Society of St. Vincent de Paul-St John Conference
Business Name:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul-St John Conference
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Business Description / Hours:

Eviction papers; a notice the electricity or water will be shut off; a prescription medicine that is unaffordable – these are a few examples of financial crisis that some of our Frederick County neighbors face.

An illness or hospitalization that keeps a worker from their job and their pay; a trusted friend/husband/wife walks out on others they have been caring for; the only car quits running and needs expensive repair; angry family members cut off their help and support – these are a few of the reasons that cause financial crises.

People just barely getting by paycheck to paycheck simply cannot meet all their obligations when the unexpected happens. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is there with compassion, a listening ear, and usually some financial assistance to get them through.

Donations to St. Vincent de Paul Society go directly into the grateful hands of our Frederick County neighbors in need. Vincentians are an all-volunteer group, and you can be assured your entire gift will be used intelligently, respectfully, and with a prayer that those receiving the funds find or regain stability, health, and security in every area of their life.

Business Phone Number:
(301) 662-4676
Business Address:
114 E 2nd St, Frederick, MD
ZIP Code: