I Believe in Me, Inc.

I Believe in Me, Inc.
Business Name:
I Believe in Me, Inc.
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Business Description / Hours:

I Believe In Me operates an after school program which includes educational activities and mentorship for 24 underprivileged youth between the ages of 6-16. Our youth are provided with a snack, lesson, educational assistance via homework help and tutors, and recreational activities including socialization. Within the program, I Believe In Me offers math and reading support, mentor program, financial education, hygiene and nutritional guidance, community outreach via volunteerism, and self-esteem and character development.

This program is unique because it exposes youth to real-life challenges, consequences, as well as providing supports to help youth make positive choices. Lead by mentors who once made life-altering decisions, our youth are given the opportunity to learn, engage, and connect with supportive adults from all walks of life. The mentors are able to expose the false perceptions of social and digital media, peer pressure, and other societal challenges. Youth are able to ask questions and learn from mentors’ experiences in a way that is authentic to them. I Believe in Me has been sustained by tremendous volunteer support. This support is based on strong organizational leadership, vision, and consistent youth outcomes, and positive relationships with the community.

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