
Business Name:
Business Description / Hours:

CorePartners, Inc. (CPI) is a high-technology computer engineering company that has built a reputation for excellence in custom software development and IT consulting. CPI was founded in 1998, and incorporated in 2003 in the state of Maryland.

Over the years, CPI has delivered advanced technologies, proven products and custom software solutions to Non-Profit Professional and Trade Associations; to numerous U.S. Government Agencies and Government Contractors; such as,DoD, DEA, DOA, Department of State; Medium to Large Corporate Clients; Insurance Industry; and Financial Institutions.

Our expertise in Microsoft technologies and our in-depth knowledge of the association community has positioned us well in serving our Non-Profit customers.

Business Website Address:
Business Phone Number:
Business Address:
6 West 3rd Street
Frederick, MD
ZIP Code:
  • CorePartners