Our Stonehenge Metaphysical Boutique

Our Stonehenge Metaphysical Boutique
Business Name:
Our Stonehenge Metaphysical Boutique
Business Category:
Business Description / Hours:

Our Stonehenge is a metaphysical boutique in Frederick, Maryland. We sell stones, crystals, and other items to push holistic and natural healing. At our store, you can find jewelry, home décor, healing stones and crystals and much more. We also have Reiki sessions available as well. Both owners, Mark and Myung Morrison, are Reiki Masters and Certified Crystal Healers. As a family of four, we have each overcome different challenges- whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. All of us truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and we really try and turn every negative into a positive!

Business Website Address:
Business Phone Number:
Business Fax:
Our Stonehenge Metaphysical Boutique
Business Address:
2405 Whittier Dr.
Frederick, Maryland
ZIP Code:
  • A Small Selection of Our Stones/Crystals Available