Thurmont Smiles

Thurmont Smiles
Business Name:
Thurmont Smiles
Business Description / Hours:

I’m Dr. Mansi Oza. I’m a dentist who is not fond of going to a dentist myself. I’ve been on both sides. My experiences of being a patient and an associate doctor working for someone left me desiring more, better. I understood what my patients want and deserve.

This understanding gave birth to Thurmont Smiles, where we do things differently.

I’m dedicated to making our patients feel comfortable, respected, and heard.

My vision for the practice is to be the best of the best to help our patients eat comfortably, smile confidently, and live healthfully.

We exist to make a positive difference.

I invite you to experience us and be part of our dental family.

Business Website Address:
Business Phone Number:
(301) 271-4400
Business Address:
100 South Center St.,
Thurmont, MD
  • Thurmont Smiles